The next generation of farming

New Shoots Ltd.

Our Mission

Satisfying our customers’ expectations through a great team dedicated to providing fresh produce with confidence, innovation and always with a keen focus on sustainability.

About us

Located near the coast in East Suffolk, we farm some of the finest soils, growing leafy salad crops for a range of markets. Since being founded in 2018, we have grown to be one of the major suppliers to the processing industry and local outlets.

What we grow

We are proud to be the growers of a selection of salad crops from our regeneratively farmed land in Suffolk.

What we’ve been up to

The latest news from New Shoots
Working with local Food Bank

Working with local Food Bank

During the summer of 2023 we utilised as much surplus produce as we could to local groups, schools and charities. During the season over-production or reduced...

Pumpkin Planting Trial

Pumpkin Planting Trial

We had the opportunity to trial some niche crops this year and part of a field was planted with pumpkins. We wanted to grow something slightly out of the norm...

Lime Tree Reservoir No. 2

Lime Tree Reservoir No. 2

We are delighted to announce that a 200,000 m3 reservoir was constructed over the winter of 2021/22. The reservoir was built utilising materials already on...

Global GAP
M&S Select Farms
Soil Association Organic
Stronger Together
Red Tractor